10 Best Big Data Analytics Courses Online | 2019 updated

7 min readAug 28, 2019

Today, data science is no longer the buzzword as the rise of the data-driven market. IBM report estimates that data-related job postings will rise to 2.7 million by 2020. That said, the demand for data-related professional skills like machine learning and AI are must-haves for analytic talents.

This article recommends 10 best online courses for beginners, especially those who plan to make the transition into data analytics jobs.


#1. Data Analysis and Presentation Skills: the PwC Approach Specialization

Provider: Price Waterhouse Coopers LLP

Commitment: 21weeks, 3–4 hours/week

This specialization includes 5 courses, from data-driven decision making, problem-solving with basic functions of Excel, data visualization with advanced excel, to the business presentation with PowerPoint, and a final project.

  • Course 1: Data-driven Decision Making
  • Course 2: Problem-solving with Excel
  • Course 3: Data Visualization with Advanced Excel
  • Course 4: Effective Business Presentations with PowerPoint
  • Course 5: Data Analysis and Presentation Skills: the PwC Approach Final Project




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